Saturday, September 3, 2022

School, Going as an adult.

I know when I got to a certain age, I thought I would have to never think about school again. As a person that didn't really care for school while I was in high school, life has a way of playing cruel jokes on you. First when I joined the military, I chose the Air Force, which is all about schooling, you have to take a test for each and every promotion. Then after the military I had to go back to school in order to get the job that I have currently. Now, after 10 years at my current place of employment and more than 15 years, almost 20 to be exact, of electronic experience I am choosing to journey into the world of I.T. information technology - cyber security to be more specific. Which for a third time means that I am back in school, and this time it seems like there just isn't enough time in the day. It makes me think what was I complaining about as kid when I said I didn't have enough time when that was all I had to focus on, unlike now where I have a job, a wife, bills, among other things that come up as an adult navigating life, but hey I can't complain. One thing my mother used to tell me is "you do what you have to, so you can do what you want to.", so I'm going to buckle down and get it done cause in the end all this hard work and dedication is for my benefit and well being.


  1. Thank you for your military service :-)

    From electronics to cyber security in information technology, excellent choice!

    Learning to improve oneself and acquiring pedigrees/certifications to demonstrate one's knowledge and skills are life long journeys.

    Welcome to IS101-3022, Fall 2022 ^_^

  2. We're in the same boat Frank! Juggling work life, home life and now school life - I understand how overwhelming it can all be. But cyber security is the place to be in the IT world. Guarantee there is not one company out there that doesn't need someone in that profession nowadays.

  3. I agree with you. Sometimes I have the same feeling about not having enough time in the day. It's never too late to start something new. It might take us longer due to other responsibilities that we have, but with perseverance and commitment anything is possible.

  4. The quote hits home. It is absolutely true. You may not like what you have to do in this moment in time but it will be worth it for what you want the end result to be. Technology is such a big interest now a days and we can all see why. I was the same in high school too. We can't go back in time but we can certainly do something about the present. We got this!

  5. Very well said, I have a son who served four years in the Marines. We all thank you for your service and your time and efforts will payoff for your future plans.

  6. I couldn't agree with you more. I really feel the same way. After hours feel very bored; now I grow up, only to find that learning is actually the happiest thing. Because when people are young, they do not have to consider too much burden, only learn a goal of study.

  7. I understand very well the balance of School, Work, Personal life. I am taking 15 credit hours this semester and working full time. Bills do not take vacation.

  8. It's never to late go back to school, one step at a time, your sacrifice will have its rewards.

  9. Thank you for your service. I hope your semester goes well! Are you majoring in Cyber Security - Network Security focus or is it the other Cyber Security Major CSN offers?

  10. Thank you for your service. I know this must be an change of pace after a long time. I hope all goes well for you and you succeed. Take it one step at a time and there is no certain time to reach your goals as we as humans are going through life the first time.

  11. After 20 years myself of not being in school. I also returned to get my GED in 2014 and my college journey started in 2018. After raising a family and living life I wanted to show my mom I still can get a cap and gown. If I would of put this much effort in high school as I am in college I would of gotten straight A's.

  12. More power to you frank! Let me know how you manage all your responsibilities because I need to take a page out of your playbook.

  13. I had the same mindset as you; I thought I'd find myself being famous as a social media personality, but instead I sold my body to the Navy. It's all okay though because I'll get to where I need to be one day! I'm glad you found a passion in cyber security and that you're pursuing a degree to benefit yourself in the long run.

  14. Thank you for your service! I also agree that as life goes on our responsibilities grow as well, I'm sure you'll be able to reach your goals.

  15. In simple terms, reading your blog has given me more inspiration than ever. My parents certainly gave me an educational upbringing, but it is entirely up to me what I want to do with my life after high school. Reading about all those years you spent switching back and forth truly highlights what it means to struggle to fit in with society, but it certainly still helps to gain some experience and insight into a potential interest. I'm delighted you made the decision to return to school, and don't worry, you're never too old to learn new things.

  16. OMG Frank, First of all, I love your background. You've journeyed a long way to get to where you are and you are going to do great things in the world of IT. I'm also returning to school after many many years of not being in any type of educational setting. It is an adjustment but it will be a great accomplishment at the end. "Never too old to learn new things."

  17. Balancing work life, family, and now school life sound very tough, but I believe you can do it.

  18. Sup Frank, you know he thought we were brother or something the first week of class.

  19. Hi Frank, thank you for your service. You seem to have a lot in your plate, but I'm sure you'll accomplish your goal. :)
