Saturday, September 10, 2022

Getting Ahead, Keeping Up, and Falling Behind

I'm only just starting my third week of this semester (Fall 2022) and I can already see how easy it is to fall behind in your school work. Especially with online classes, where you have to be self motivated and focused to get assignments done.  Ideally when you think about starting school you just want to keep up and be able to follow along with the class, and there are those classes that you have the option to get ahead and hopefully stay ahead to give yourself some breathing room for whatever unexpected situation may come. As the weeks go by you look at when things are due and you are like I have time I'll get to it, till next thing you know you are trying to finish 3 maybe four chapters of work in one night all the while thinking to yourself I should have done this earlier, when the lessons were fresh on the table or you weren't feeling the weight of multiple assignments needing your upmost attention and effort all at one time. So I say if you find yourself falling behind push a little harder to catch up, and when you're caught up don't slow down to keep up, keeping pushing to get ahead and in the end when it's all said and done you can look back take a deep breath and smile knowing that you did that to the absolute best of your ability.


  1. Excellent reflection and advice :-)

    It's not how you start but how you finish!

    You can definitely turn this around and finish strong ^_^

  2. Great comments. Everyone can take from this. You can get it done.

  3. Great advice where I am at taking 15 credit hours while working full time its very easy to fall behind. If I do nothing for a day I am behind by 2 days because I give my self the time to read the information and process it then sleep on it and read it again then do the assignment.

  4. Time management is the key. With everyone having so many different things going on in there lives managing our time is pretty hard to do, but stay focus and keep pushing the end is near. Great read

  5. Keeping the pace throughout a 16 week semester can be difficult when one is juggling full time work, full time school, no social life, and sometimes less than part time sleep. 18 credit hours is hard to handle and sometimes, I just want to give up, but I know I can't do that. I won't allow myself to give up! I am grateful for your advice. Here's to pushing forward.

  6. Working ahead is key to completing tasks, this way we won’t fall behind. We have 24 hours in a day, we decide what we do with them.

  7. I agree Frank, keep pushing! Sometimes I wish I didn't have to sleep so I could accomplish more in a day. But when this is all over, and you are holding your degree in your hand, then you'll see this was all worth it.

  8. I agree and keep up with the hard work. You will most certainly improve and will stay ahead of the curve and will pass all of your classes this semester.

  9. Frank, I needed this post. You are 100% correct when you say it is easy to fall behind. I need to tighten up!

  10. I can't agree with you more. Only constant running will not fall behind. Everyone is an individual; if you want to win tomorrow, you must win in the present.

  11. Wow, I agree. It really has been hard trying to catch up again recently. Most of my motivation is gone but I am trying my best to push through. College sure is hard, but at the end of the day it sure gets us to where we need to be in life. Best of luck to you.

  12. With online classes, a big con is that people are most vulnerable to falling behind because it's a work-at-your-own-pace schedule. In the beginning of the semester, my professors always acknowledge that life happens but it's very important to hold yourself accountable. I tend to always fall behind, but the most rewarding thing about catching up is realizing your perseverance - you didn't give up and that's all that matters!

  13. That was my week two as well. I'm glad I'm not alone on this.

  14. I can definitely relate, It's always best to get ahead when you can, life can throw some curve balls at you.

  15. I completely agree that getting a head start is usually a smart idea because missing one tiny task is the same as missing ten others.

  16. I can't agree with you more. That was my last week as well. It is easy to fall behind but we need to be constant.

  17. I relate to this, I usually procrastinate until all the work piles on then rush to finish it all. It really is best if you can finish work ahead of time.

  18. Frank, what's up big bro? Man, I have definitely felt the feeling of being behind in this class. You can probably tell by the timing of this comment. Keep up the drive and hustle man, you're doing great.

  19. I agree it is easy to fall behind, rushing is always the worst feeling.
