Saturday, October 29, 2022

LabSim 4.4 Paragraph Formatting

One of the worst things to me to have to do when I was in school was to have to write a paper. One of my issues with having to write a paper was the format of that paper. It seemed that depending on what grade I was in there was a different format to follow and it could get very confusing and frustrating, so it was very comforting to know that Word has preset formats for any and every style and layout you may need for what ever presentation you may have to do. I know had these resources been around when I was in middle school and even high school, writing paper would have been a much more pleasant experience.

Saturday, October 8, 2022

LabSim. 2.6.7 Big Data Facts

It's said that knowledge is power, and information is the key. Who determines what information is public and what information is private, especially when certain information might be considered private to some but not to others. Then there are those that simply want the information because it is out there even if they have no real business possessing it or those that want the information because someone has deemed that they don't need it. It seems like as the convenience of the world increases the need to give up more information about oneself also increases, for example I have 98 applications (apps) on my phone that have requested access to my contacts list; Why does the Foot Locker app, which I use to buy shoes, need to know who is in my contacts? Or why is the Credit Karma app asking permission to access my physical activity, what does that have to do with credit monitoring? Yet I have given up some of my privacy for the conveniences of ordering shoes from my phone, sitting on the couch, instead of having to go to a brick-and-mortar store. Do I question some of the needs of these permissions when I download an app, of course, but I have put myself in this position for the convenience of what that app can do. The terms and conditions and privacy policies of these conveniences are meant to give us peace of mind (and to release the provider of any possible liability of our using their app), but they are usually very long and filled with a lot of legal ese that can be very confusing leading to what is said the be the biggest lies ever  and continually told in the information age "I have read, understand, and agree to the terms and conditions" and the boxed is checked, but hey it's all for the conveniences right?