Wednesday, December 21, 2022

IS 101

IS 101 has come to an end. I didn't know what to expect when I first started the class, but I thought I am going to get it done and over with. Which in the end was not really the correct attitude to have, I learned a lot and meet some very interesting people. The most interesting of which was the teacher Mr. Wu. I can admit I was not the best student that I could have been in his class, but he would not let me fail. First he stayed after class many times for me to catch up and get work done. One thing that I did like was that fact that he has an if I'm going to stay for you to get this done I'm going to make sure it's right attitude. I went to school in North Carolina, where they had a "No Student Left Behind" mentality when it comes to school and Mr. Wu has this same mentality, however instead of grading on a curve or just letting you turn anything to get he work done, He made sure you were utilizing your full potential and doing the work right. I must say there were times I was like I should just drop the glass and take it again later, but when Mr. Wu stated he wouldn't be teaching the class again and how he motivated me to do my best I didn't want to let him down and wanted to make him proud, by not only passing his class but doing well and being a student that he could brag about in the future, not quite ass well as his top performers (y'all know who y'all are), but good enough so that other teachers could see why he was proud of his students.


  1. I'm honored that I motivated you, Frank :-)

    It doesn't matter how you start, it's how you finish. Well done on reaching the highest grade at the very end!

    You may not have been part of the ultra-high performers, but IS101-3012, Fall 2022 would not be the same without you. Please keep in touch ^_^

  2. Frank thank you for opening up and sharing your thoughts, I too struggled at first and felt as you do. I am glad that you kept pushing. Thank you Frank for being part of this class and I am glad to have meet you.

  3. I didn't struggle in the beginning but I struggled more towards the end. Work got so crazy and with me getting sick I couldn't get ahead never the less we got it done.
