Wednesday, December 14, 2022

LabSim 6.2.6 Copying and Pasting Slides

Reusing slides from another PowerPoint presentations is very helpful and an amazing time saving feature to utilize while trying to create your own presentation, to be able to reuse slides that are already formatted and stylized the way you like to add to your presentation so that you don't have to go back and do all that work all over again and can ensure that it is the way you want it to be and you won't miss any features that were utilized in creating the slide. 


  1. Reusing slides from PowerPoint presentation and/or modifying it for your own need is a smart thing to do :-)

    Work smarter, not harder!

  2. True, it makes me think of all the ways I can reuse slides to entertain or host events.

  3. Yes, copying and pasting is very helpful. This will allow us to save time and focus on practicing our presentation key points.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I agree with you. When I didn't learn this chapter before, it always made my workload very heavy.

  6. Yes, no need to waste time re-creating something that can be copied from one presentation to another.

  7. A very fun and easy chapter, in my opinion. My friends and I like to be crafty and creative when collaborating on activities, so when we have a group share, it's so timesaving to just copy and paste each other's formatting onto other slides.

  8. Sometimes I need 8 of the exact slide copied and CTRL+C and CTRL+V get the job done.

  9. Copying and pasting slides is so useful. Imagine if we did not have that tool? That would be annoying.

  10. Reusing slides is an excellent choice for presentations. Personally, I was able to reuse slides from my BUS 108 assignment for the A5 presentation in IS101. It made the process much easier in condensing the important information I wanted to share.

  11. Definitely using previous presentations is truly helpful in the sales industry. Being able to 10x presentations from previously known ways to sell is one the best things to use for in this feature. I will definitely use this feature for one of my many business ideas.
