Monday, September 26, 2022

LabSim 1.2.14 Online Streaming

Online streaming is mind blowing to me, all the different types of content that can be put out there for the world to see, weather it be a live stream or a video uploaded to be watched at the viewers convenience is amazing. Sometimes I wish I had gotten into streaming earlier, cause I can remember an internet before YouTube and other streaming services, and having to figure things out by trial and error instead of just looking up a how to video. I used to question kids watching videos of kids playing games when they had the game in the other room that they could be playing, but as a gamer myself it is a whole lot easier to watch a walk through video than it is to go out and buy a gamer guide (it's a lot cheaper too). Online streaming has become such an integral part of life, especially with the recent pandemic, that I don't think there will ever be a time that online streaming isn't going to be around and readily available at a moments notice.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Getting Ahead, Keeping Up, and Falling Behind

I'm only just starting my third week of this semester (Fall 2022) and I can already see how easy it is to fall behind in your school work. Especially with online classes, where you have to be self motivated and focused to get assignments done.  Ideally when you think about starting school you just want to keep up and be able to follow along with the class, and there are those classes that you have the option to get ahead and hopefully stay ahead to give yourself some breathing room for whatever unexpected situation may come. As the weeks go by you look at when things are due and you are like I have time I'll get to it, till next thing you know you are trying to finish 3 maybe four chapters of work in one night all the while thinking to yourself I should have done this earlier, when the lessons were fresh on the table or you weren't feeling the weight of multiple assignments needing your upmost attention and effort all at one time. So I say if you find yourself falling behind push a little harder to catch up, and when you're caught up don't slow down to keep up, keeping pushing to get ahead and in the end when it's all said and done you can look back take a deep breath and smile knowing that you did that to the absolute best of your ability.

Saturday, September 3, 2022

School, Going as an adult.

I know when I got to a certain age, I thought I would have to never think about school again. As a person that didn't really care for school while I was in high school, life has a way of playing cruel jokes on you. First when I joined the military, I chose the Air Force, which is all about schooling, you have to take a test for each and every promotion. Then after the military I had to go back to school in order to get the job that I have currently. Now, after 10 years at my current place of employment and more than 15 years, almost 20 to be exact, of electronic experience I am choosing to journey into the world of I.T. information technology - cyber security to be more specific. Which for a third time means that I am back in school, and this time it seems like there just isn't enough time in the day. It makes me think what was I complaining about as kid when I said I didn't have enough time when that was all I had to focus on, unlike now where I have a job, a wife, bills, among other things that come up as an adult navigating life, but hey I can't complain. One thing my mother used to tell me is "you do what you have to, so you can do what you want to.", so I'm going to buckle down and get it done cause in the end all this hard work and dedication is for my benefit and well being.