Monday, September 26, 2022

LabSim 1.2.14 Online Streaming

Online streaming is mind blowing to me, all the different types of content that can be put out there for the world to see, weather it be a live stream or a video uploaded to be watched at the viewers convenience is amazing. Sometimes I wish I had gotten into streaming earlier, cause I can remember an internet before YouTube and other streaming services, and having to figure things out by trial and error instead of just looking up a how to video. I used to question kids watching videos of kids playing games when they had the game in the other room that they could be playing, but as a gamer myself it is a whole lot easier to watch a walk through video than it is to go out and buy a gamer guide (it's a lot cheaper too). Online streaming has become such an integral part of life, especially with the recent pandemic, that I don't think there will ever be a time that online streaming isn't going to be around and readily available at a moments notice.


  1. Hmm... I cut off Cox cable three years ago except for the internet access. Since then, I've been watching more and more YouTube. With communication technology improving, online streaming of videos thrive :-)

  2. Could not agree more. You can live stream movies, concerts, sports it is non stop.

  3. A bit of a fun fact. Live Streaming does not utilize Standard TCP protocols for sending data packets, but instead utilizes UDP Protocols since it is faster due to the fact when the network sends out the data packets it sends it in all directions instead of a single Mac Address. TCP protocols send out into the network and asks for a specific Mac Address to send to. While UDP protocols send Data packets to everyone hoping it gets to every stop. That is why on live streaming you see buffering from time to time.

  4. Online streaming has evolved throughout the years. I also only use cox for the internet service and have 2 streaming services.

  5. Its amazing I tell people that I am YouTube certified. It will give you step by step tutorial on how to change brakes on a car or how to cook a pot roast. Having online stream is so amazing people tell me all the time I should start a streaming channel.

  6. I can totally relate because my son will be playing a game on his Xbox AND watching a live stream of the same game at the same time. I'm just dumbfounded, asking myself "why does he do this?" "what's the point?". I'm not a gamer if you can't already tell, so I absolutely don't understand the point of watching the same game you're playing.

  7. This is a good, good example of how to post out the assignments for the work you selected. Thank you Frank. I will be using this kind of format that you made to inspire my posts for the section work moving forward. I too remember a time when YouTube wasn't as big as it is today and it is startling, that amazement just might be part of why I'm here taking IT classes.

  8. When internet regulations take place from their sources, most of what you spoke will come to a halt until a solution is found. I don't think we are in the final form of the internet, because there was still a time in the past where we communicated and shared without the use of internet. Remember the invention of fire?

  9. The application of this technology fundamentally solves the terminal problem of online video and video games. Thank you for this era!

  10. I love streaming movies, music, and all kinds of videos. All the sources that this media comes from must have enormous servers to save all the data. YouTube has become the better version of Wikipedia in video format.

  11. Streaming is awesome. I am always watching a movie, video, and listening to music. I can stream up to multiple devices at once which is even more awesome!

  12. I first heard online streaming with the debut of now know as I really am kicking my self in the butt dor not jumping on the streaming bandwagon because some of these cats earn crazy amounts of money. For example, Ninja a Fortnite streamer made 50 million so far from just playing Fortnite obsiously including media deals, brand logos, sponsorship from Redbull.

  13. Online streaming is a lifesaver. I don't have the patience to read manuals or go through reviews; I like to actually watch demonstrations.

  14. You are so right about having to figure things out yourself back in the day. I feel like people have it so easy now a days!

  15. I agree that streaming has really taken the world by storm the last several years!

  16. Correct, streaming has definitely taken off without looking back. It's amazing to realize how often we are streaming something without even thinking about it. Until the Wi-Fi starts to trip that is.

  17. Online streaming is great. Watching a video on how to do something is much easier than figuring it out yourself.

  18. I love online streaming, defiantly cheaper than cable.

  19. True, I believe that the main utility of the internet for us is the capacity to share our personal experiences with others and have an impact on people all over the world.
